OMRON United Kingdom

To improve lives and contribute to a better society

Be a pioneer in creating inspired solutions for the future. Pursue new challenges with passion and courage. Act with integrity and encourage everyone's potential.

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OMRON Healthcare is a leader in medical equipment for therapy and health monitoring with a range of products that include blood pressure monitors, temperature measurement devices, respiratory therapy devices, electronic fever thermometers and body fat monitors. We aim to provide a total healthcare management service, aimed at preventing and improving common health problems as hypertension, diabetes and obesity.
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Industrial Automation

Industrial Automation is a leading manufacturer of technologically advanced industrial automation products and application expertise. OMRON Industrial Automation is dedicated to providing unrivaled automation products and customised expert solutions for any industry. The product portfolio includes: Factory Automation, Sensors and Safety, Mechatronics and Drives, Industrial Components and Vision Systems.
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Inspection Systems

In today’s highly competitive and cost-conscience manufacturing environment, balancing quality and speed through automation is the key to success. OMRON Inspection Systems will aid in meeting the ever increasing demand for driving down costs while maintaining the highest quality possible.
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Electronic Components

With the technology and knowledge to build components for virtually every electronic application, OMRON Electronic Components uses leading edge product design and its huge selection of high-quality products to provide a truly tailor made components service to customers throughout Europe: Relays, Switches, Connectors, Sensors.